Well I thought Id start a blog to keep track of the training and achievements of the dales ponies.
My main riding horse is Rory Mac aka Rory he's 7 this year. 14.1hh pure black dales gelding. Ive had Rory since he was 4 and so far he's proved to be a very slow maturer to the point that he wasn't backed until he was 5 and last year at age 6 was his first in proper work.
Then is Roandale Patience aka Pait who will be 4 this year. She's a lovely stamp of a mare and looks so mature compared to when Rory was her age. 14.2hh blue roan dales mare. I got her last March and spent last year getting to know and back her. She's to the point of walk, trot in the arena and has done a few short accompanied hacks. I've got a lot of high hopes for her as a show pony ridden, inhand and hopefully driven. Plus a few years down the line it will be nice to have a foal off her to preserve the roan colouring.
Last to mention is my sister's colt Ridgelane Duke who is 2 this year. Although not mine I still do a lot with him.