No updates for a little while. Since the last update GYS has been and gone Pait was brilliant if a bit overawed by it but got picked out to change the rein as lead pony in the go round which she pulled out stonking trot for- disappointed with her marks but thats showing. Rory was a turd at times and really wouldnt stand in the line up. This summer has had his horrid neurotic side coming out quite a few times which has upset me as I thought wed got past all that. I am currently playing around with bitless/ bit option and uping the workload. Saddlers on sat to check that and a lot of patience on my part to come I think. Have ridden Pait a bit in the last week or so which is unusual as I usually leave her to Em but I've had some nice schooling after I got a bit tough over leaning habit and we've had a couple of ace hacks out.