Tuesday 16 July 2013

I feel like a mum leaving her kid at school for the first time. I'm off away for 3.5weeks on Sat so made the decision that Pait could go away to boarding school. Felt really guilty dropping her off (daft I know) I even gave her sweets which is unheard of for me. Pait was so concerned at my going and leaving her- NOT. She walked into a stable with a huge fresh straw bed and I swear her eyes lit up. "Look mum its a stable full of food!"
No pics though thats no bad thing as she was soaked in sweat with the heat by the time we got there even though we delibrately travelled early morning.

So have a pic of Rory and Duke instead. Rory modelling his new rug.

Monday 1 July 2013

thrills and spills!

What a weekend! I probably should have just stayed in bed. Saturday I managed to smash my phone and Sunday I was showing taking both Pait and Rory.
Started the morning turning the yard horses out to have them go through the fencing. Then Pait decided to push me off the top of the ramp and I managed to hit mum (who was driving) on the way down. Got to the show and met a hungover sister who was cursing me.
Em took Rory inhand whilst I took Pait both behaved though Rory found it exciting due to it being his first showing show this year. Well Rory only placed 2nd! Beating Pait who came 3rd.
At this point Em went back to the yard whilst I did workers with Rory. He did a lovely clear round but a bit of a lack-luster show so came 2nd. Took him back to the wagon and decided to swop him and Pait for the ridden M&M as he felt tired so I untacked him. Got him untacked and relaxed and then got shouted I was wanted to do the workers championship so hastily threw tack back on.
This is were the lesson comes in always triple check the girth incase the pony held his breath! In gallop my saddle went and I went with it managing to land on my shoulder. So an A&E trip with xrays later Im in a sling with sprained ligaments but I did take the ponies back to the yard first.