Tuesday 15 July 2014

Got the go ahead to do everything with the knee again. But concerning as they arent discharging me for 6 months and it's basically do everything and see if it holds up! So today I jumped Rory in the school over a little cross. I have to say though my bottle is completely gone I was so nervous it's unreal. Poor pony was questioning me all the way up to the jump going as slow as possible as he could feel my tension then just popping over on a very long stride.
Pait got lunged as I couldn't get motivated to ride twice but was a good girl and brought out her dales trot so didnt do too much.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Never been so glad to see a sticking stifle.
Sunday with Daisy-wagon finally back on the road I took Pait and Rory to the BSPS area 3b summer show which was being held locally to do some unaff classes. Pait was first to go and after a slightly hairy moment when she took off in canter whilst I was getting on cue me having to balance and get the leg over in canter then pull her up! She was brill in the walk, trot class a bit babyish and overwhelmed but did a sweet little show to come first (of 2 rotfl). Then she was straight into the Nov 4-6 class which inculded canter. She was a little star but her canter really let her down in the individual as she broke on the right rein after gaping at the considerate livery poopicking at the side of the ring fence. But she'd gone in font and behind, took in a lineup and behaved herself so I was thrilled with her and she got a third (of 3 snigger).
Then it was back to the wagon for Rory I had no time to warm up and literally threw tack on and went into the ring. In hindsight this is very bad to do with him. Did the group go round and extend and he was fine had to trot in one of the canters as the waddling welsh in front was trotting and I didn't fancy going up their arse, ring a tad too tight to circle. Stood in lineup then went to do the individual came to the second canter and he just went totally disunited and wrong cue me in tears for prizegiving as the thought of his hocks being gone again was devastating. He had mon, tue off with bute and I went to get him in today and have never been so grateful to see him locking his stifle. Feel a tad guilty as he's not been doing much then a class with no warmup has obviously locked up but it's fixable with work as I know from past experience unlike hocks which we cant really inject again.
So today was walk hacking in draw reins up and down every hill and slope I could find. Also made him go through both water splashes in the quarry and did a couple of short collected trots on the way home.