Friday 25 March 2016

Well what a lovely first day to the bank hol pity the rest is already forcast to be a wash out! Decided as it seemed like spring I'd completely gut the banks in pait's stable and lift and disinfect the matting. I always forget what a knackering job this is, luckily Pait is clean and most of the floor still had the stalosan on from begining of winter so it wasnt a bad job. Pait and Becky were stood at the gate swishing looking quite narked at the flies (both are unrugged) so caught and fly sprayed the both of them and let Pait have a little hay whilst I did a few more job as there is nothing in the field.
Down to the other field to give the outside ones their feeds, hay and to bail more water out of the dyke into the trough (I will never take mains water for granted again). Rory is currently charging at Evie again as shes got her ug off so is obviously a new pony so the lot of them were doing mad hoolie round the field.