Monday 30 September 2013

Home again, home again

Pait is finally back home. Went to pick her up Friday morning and loadedher after a little cart ride through their village :-)
Put her back out with the main herd and poor girl got chased round, also got a hoof scrape on her bottom but luckily things seem to be calming down now. All the Dales were due for their feet doing so that was my Friday afternoon gone aswell lol.
Onto Sat and Rory and Pait both got bathed much to their disgust in preparation for our last RC show of the season the next day. It's not easy showing when you have a roan that likes to cake all her white buts in sh!te but thankfully Rory is whole black and does stay clean as he lives out!
Sunday dawned and I got to the yard to the shock that Pait still had glowingly white socks! Even though she had also undone her bandages. My day took a slight downturn as I then got bitten by another person's horse so now have a lovely black shoulder blade but both Pait and Rory decided to end the RC well with Pait coming third and Rory second.
Next year I WILL get out to more shows.
Interestingly comparing the 2 Pait looks leaner than Rory but weightapes more.

Saturday 21 September 2013

Countdown to Pait coming home is now on!!!!!!!!!
Must also organise farrier and dentist as she's desperate for the former and Rory for the latter. Rory is loving the stubble at the moment (a bit too much sometimes) but a friend had a ride on him today and he was a perfect gent.
Also I really do need to clip him as he's suddenly gained a winter coat so coming back from rides very sweaty. Only thing is his coat looks amazing very black and shiny so I don't really want to take it off :-p

Saturday 7 September 2013

Went to visit Pait today. She's doing really well and looking like she will be home very shortly now she needs a new outfit to go with her new skills. I see her being a very expensive little mare. Typically they had cleaned up for my visit and she had found a nice big green poo to lay in. I did say she's like this to show.
Rory is on and off at the moment some rides he feels amazing others not right at all. Vet is coming out on Tues to do shockwave so fingers crossed that helps. Have just had his saddle checked and although he's getting away with a 17" he could really do with a 16.5 but Im not buying a new saddle until hes 100% consistantly especially as Pait is getting new gear so horsie funds will be a little depleted.
Boys have been in a small paddock that was rested all summer eating it down (Duke looks ready to pop and Rory looks ok)

Monday 2 September 2013

There are days that I could quite happily gift Rory to the nearest random passerby- it's a good job he usually redeems himself. Our current issue is that him and Duke are joined at the hip and removing Rory from the field for riding envolves Duke calling constantly and Rory splattering me in the stable while I "attempt" to groom him!
This is not a nice calming set up to going out hacking so to have this then can't, sharn't, won't at stabding at the side of the gate for me to open it I was not looking forward to todays hack.
Being masochistic I then decided to do the main road route by myself that Rory finds traumatising anyway. Luckily other than straw and hay bales being terrifying as we snuck onto stubble fields he behaved impecibly (for Rory).