Monday 22 September 2014

Little bit of a catchup. Rory seems to have now become my lesson pony after I decided that I was to knackered to convince Pait that forwards is fun. So decided that he may be a nutter but these days he's a sound one so Id try schooling him again and hope he stood up to it. Well you could knock me down with a feather as he's taken to it like a duck to water. Have to be careful not to blow his brain if he starts getting into a tizz about not understanding but he has been trying his heart out and is actually going quite nicely. Started him with lateral work and nearly got shoulder in as well as lots of transitions to strengthen the hind end but the difference in him not only physically but mentally to when I last did schooling work a year ago is amazing. At 8 he's starting to come into his own.
Madame P-pot has had some solo hacking and lunging work as well as been introduced to stubble fields which she is learning are fun to canter on. Still trying to install the forwards button in her before we do any serious schooling but she is coming along and I have to remember tht she's only 5 so plenty of time to mature yet. Speaking of maturing she currently weighttapes at 480 and stands at 14.2 and a half hh. 0.0 This is compared to Rory who at 14.1hh weigh tapes at 370 but he is a lot lighter build and I do struggle to keep his weight on. That being said Pait certainly doesnt need any more weight on her at the mo.
Sunday I got the cart back out with mum as foot solider and went through the village and back. Ditched mum on the way home as I wanted a trot and she wouldn't get in the cart. :-p need to do some more longreining and really enforce the standing though as was a tad impatient at times.

Saturday 13 September 2014

Sometimes you just need a pony day. Took Rory out for a decent fast hack did a lot of canter and transition work. Trying to crack the current habit of wrong legging that I've given him with my weight and balance being off. Trouble is too many transitions blow his brain cell but he was pretty good at keeping calm today. Coming home along the last field he asked to extend and of course I obliged him. I did think he wouldn't have much petrol left in the tank as we'd done a lot of canter work by then and he was rather sweaty but the extension still managed to sneak up into a bit of a gallop. He pulled up and sauntered home on a long rein. He does know how to put a smile on my face.
Did blot the copy book on standing in the yard though as he stole a mouthful of Tally's feed then tried to use me as a rubbing post- both of which are big no-nos in my book.