Monday 13 April 2015

Yesterday Em and I did dressage championships at Sykehouse. Rory and Pait had both qualified for the Intro and Prelim classes through the winter.
Both warmed up sweetly and Pait went first with me hopping off Rory to read for Em.She did a good test although she nearly had Em coming out of the arena as the wind was pretty bad and a dustbin blew over and the lid went across the arena.
I got quickly back on Rory and had a quick trot round then into the arena. Well he went down the centre line turned right and just as I got along side M the metal chairs blew across the patio right at the side of me so the poor lad spooked. Rest of the test he went brilliantly and worked the best he's ever done.
Then a long wait until it was time to do prelim 14 so both ponies got untacked and left to eat haynets for a bit. Again Em was on before me but the horse in between us had withdrawn so I had a quick dive back onto Rory and straight into the ring without having chance to have a quick trot and canter round the warm up first. Again he went fab he had one small blip on the strike off into the first canter when he struck off correctly then decided to do a flying change onto the wrong leg. Bit disapointed with marks to be honest 63% in the intro and 60% in the prelim not seen the sheet for prelim as we left before the class finished but felt sad that we were penalised for Rory's spook.
Thats dressage though I suppose it seems sometimes that unless your on a big moving warm blood they are a lot more critical.
I'm going to have a crack at affiliated at some point.

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Such a brilliant ride today on Rory. Started out with him being a bit of a t*t to tack up and barging through me every time I tried to do the girth up so had a little chat about that then hacked over to the yard (slow going as he was wearing 3 shoes and I was trying to stay on the verges) popped him in pait's stable and left his saddle on whilst I waited for L.
Well he went fantastically, recently Ive been feeling a bit like I can't ride one side of him but when he goes like that it's ace. We had a beautiful soft working dressage trot with him reaching and taking the contact not trying to o into a false outline and hide behind the bit like Im trying out Rolkur like he likes to pull sometimes. He was absolutely lathered white by the time we finished and we didn't work him that hard so it just shows how hard he concentrating for me.
Then we waited round a bit for the farrier who reshod him all round as to be fair re loosing the shoe he was overdue and I may have jumped a log when it was a bit boggy still on sat.
Wormed him and Pait who is ragingly in season and was actually seen flirting with a boy! She was also majorly tarting for her bestest friend Lily (who yes is a mare).

Wednesday 1 April 2015

No offence but Pait can continue to be Em's riding pony!
Weds is my lesson day and with moving only the boys last Sat and Rory being very stressed out doing a quick hack on Sunday I decided it wasn't fair to hack him back to the yard and have a lesson on him until we have another horse at the field to leave Duke with (naughty Belle wouldn't load and go last sat) so I roped Pait in for the lesson.
I think I've maybe sat on her once in the last 6 months lol and her and Rory are definately chalk and cheese. Never mind the fact she's taller and built like the proverbial brick outhouse she only puts in as much effort as her rider so is very hard work- cudos to Em!
Rory I only have to shift my weigh or nudge slightly and he responds instantly so being on Pait couldn't be more opposite if I tried. She was a good girl and she did some nice work even if I had to seriously work for it lol.