Monday 19 October 2015

End of the showing season

Yesterday was Countryside live and officially my last showing show of 2015. I really do love this show even  if I curse at having to bath this late in the year. Rory was clipped 2 weeks ago (poor em had to do a show clip and blend in legs etc) but he was getting lathered just doing a couple of laps of trot. Saying that I can't believe how much his coat has regrown in 2 weeks! Pait got to go as a hairy yeti as I only like to do 1 clip with her- useful tip roan coats look awful growing clips out.
The hot horse shower came out as even I am not evil enough to bath with cold water in october.
The show itself was ace, both ponies went brilliantly. Rory kept his head and stood in the line up (I just kept giving him polos lol) the go round was marred a bit as I ended up behind a highland cantering so slow it should have been walking with nowhere to go. I refuse to overtake another pony in front of a judge as it's my ultimate hate. Sadly this meant Rory had to break to trot and of course struck off wrong straight in front of the judge oh well ce la vie. Pait went well in the go round, got chosen to change the rein again lol and was pulled in with the top half of the field. Indivuals Pait went well but a bit stuffy and babyish, backing off a bit. Rory was a tad on edge to go stand in front of the judge and I didnt push the issue so probably didnt give an amazing first impression he did a nice show, just anticipated me on second canter trying to go before I changed his bend so he did half a stride wrong before I corrected him. He pulled out a brill gallop though that even the confirmaton judge commented on to me as I stood him up for her and Em told me a couple of riders next to her commented on it lol. I found it funny as he didnt even go full out due to the ground getting slippy.
Neither were placed but the fact that Rory behaved just made my day as I've really struggled with him this year.
Looking back on the year though he has had some major upheaval as I moved him from the yard that he's been at for the past 6 years, hes gone from only ever having 1 field companion, which for the past 2 years has been Duke, to having Belle and Fil put in with him. We lost Fil so Evie joined the herd then Duke has gone away for breaking leaving him with only the 2 mares.

Monday 12 October 2015

good weekend. Sunday we took Rory and pait to a trec training session with the area 4 group. Both ponies took everything in their stride and tackled all the obstacles including a staircase and low branches. Pait was really funny under the branches as she dropped about 2hands when she went underneath