Tuesday 21 January 2014

Just a quick pic of Pait. She's starting to look a lot more mature at 4.5years old.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Lovely hack

Pait can be such a sweet pony at times. Went to get her in from the field, got to the gate and she was no where in sight. So I shouted. Cue a little dales face appearing from round the far tree with a "Is that mum?" look. Once she decided was it was me she took off in canter across the field. 4 strides out from me she trotted and 2 she walked so she didnt mud splatter me. She is such a considerate girlie.
We just did a quick hack out with A riding Rory out with us (Id call him the babysitter but hes usually worse than us :-p)
Really lovely hack with Pait doing show trot on the bridle for periods when I asked her and a lovely collected canter which she went into at the first gentle nudge. Really need to mimic this in the school!
She did snarl at Rory at few times and got a smacked behind for her trouble everytime but was nice enough not to kill him when he nearly wiped us out due to a plastic bag.
Pait and Rory do take their surrogate sibling rivalry to the absolute max at times.

Saturday 4 January 2014

Took Pait out to our local hunt meet today. Well she was good but very sweaty and on edge for the drinks and nibbles but once the field set off she got a tad excited. To be fair to her I think if I'd have just got going with the non jumping crowd she'd have been fine but I really wasn't feeling up to it after the week from hell- losing my gran on NY day. I decided we'd bow out and have a very fast hack back to the yard. (the good thing about the meet being on our hacking grounds). 
Oh well prob try again next year.