Tuesday 6 January 2015

Went up to the yard on Sunday determined to get new 2015 pics of all the dales came home with only pics of Duke. rotfl. Ended up bringing him to get the 2 huge snarls out of his mane. Pulled out the big guns aka Eqyss detangler which made short work of them with minimal hairloss. I do love the stuff even if it is a tad too pricey to be an everyday product. Saying that I think Ive had my current bottle about 4 years and have only just ordered another one.
Finished off 2014 getting Pait and Rory out for a few hacks together. We are very lucky to have a well draining still cut stubble field which is ace to have a good canter on and is really teaching Pait how to go forwards and Rory is being a very cautious babysitter and sticks at her pace.
Getting Duke out on Sun meant I left the neurotic anti dales aka Rory on his own for 10 whole minutes (horses in the fields on both sides and hay out) by the time I came to put Duke bak Rory decided I was taking too long and promptly came through all my fencing to join me *bangs head* I do despair with him at times.
So heres a couple of Duke pics anyway hes 4 in june.

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