Friday 30 January 2015

Still not being good at updating!
Rory is coming together nicely in his lessons even when the world is out to get him he's managing to keep a lid sort of on it and listen to me and work still which is a major step forward and a year ago I'd have had to get off and just leave it for that day. So it does seem that he's growing up lol and the trust he places in me at times blows me away.
Not done too much riding due to weather etc but he's just ticking over.
Em is still riding Pait and having lesson I had planned on longreining last weds but the wind was too bad to even consider it.
Duke is being a cocky little so and so but in a sweet way (unless you ask Rory who seems to be baring the brunt of "play" time). If we have some none stupid weather. ie. anything but wind Im planning on doing a bit of inhand/longrein work just to give hm something to think about.

In other dales news fingers crossed a long time plan is coming together. All will be revealed once everything is set in stone.
have a pait pic to finish off though

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