Sunday 8 February 2015

Can''t wait for end of winter

I'm so sick of mud it's unreal. Farrier was booked for friday afternoon as I'd got a bit of time off due to being on a course in the am so Em very kindly promptly booked all 6 in trim/shoe!
Got the boys and Belle in first and held Belle whilst Rory was shod tied up. Well him and Duke created merry hell. First was located all plastic bags and sling them around just to make sure Duke wasn't left out Rory passed him one in the stable whilst poor baby-Belle was stood wideeyed being trimed across from a bag headed Dales. My language was rather colourful. Next thing was I looked over to find no pony- Rory had untied himself and taken the lid off someone's feed dustbin and was quite happily tucking in. Abandoned Belle with farrier whilst I retrieved Rory. I was rather grateful when the farrier declared them done and I could turf them back in the field.
Pait tried it on at first as she didnt want her new shoes thank you very much but as soon as I grabbed hold of her she decided very quickly to behave and thankfully Bex and Tal were as good as gold.

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