Wednesday 1 April 2015

No offence but Pait can continue to be Em's riding pony!
Weds is my lesson day and with moving only the boys last Sat and Rory being very stressed out doing a quick hack on Sunday I decided it wasn't fair to hack him back to the yard and have a lesson on him until we have another horse at the field to leave Duke with (naughty Belle wouldn't load and go last sat) so I roped Pait in for the lesson.
I think I've maybe sat on her once in the last 6 months lol and her and Rory are definately chalk and cheese. Never mind the fact she's taller and built like the proverbial brick outhouse she only puts in as much effort as her rider so is very hard work- cudos to Em!
Rory I only have to shift my weigh or nudge slightly and he responds instantly so being on Pait couldn't be more opposite if I tried. She was a good girl and she did some nice work even if I had to seriously work for it lol.

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