Wednesday 8 April 2015

Such a brilliant ride today on Rory. Started out with him being a bit of a t*t to tack up and barging through me every time I tried to do the girth up so had a little chat about that then hacked over to the yard (slow going as he was wearing 3 shoes and I was trying to stay on the verges) popped him in pait's stable and left his saddle on whilst I waited for L.
Well he went fantastically, recently Ive been feeling a bit like I can't ride one side of him but when he goes like that it's ace. We had a beautiful soft working dressage trot with him reaching and taking the contact not trying to o into a false outline and hide behind the bit like Im trying out Rolkur like he likes to pull sometimes. He was absolutely lathered white by the time we finished and we didn't work him that hard so it just shows how hard he concentrating for me.
Then we waited round a bit for the farrier who reshod him all round as to be fair re loosing the shoe he was overdue and I may have jumped a log when it was a bit boggy still on sat.
Wormed him and Pait who is ragingly in season and was actually seen flirting with a boy! She was also majorly tarting for her bestest friend Lily (who yes is a mare).

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