Friday 5 February 2016

Urgh- late again

Hello Mr Hyde how not nice to see you again! Dressage at Mill Lane last sunday did not go to plan! Rory had stayed cleanish from the sun before and a later start meant I was able to take him to the yard first to scrub him before setting off. Again he hadn't been ridden all week and to say I wasn't feeling well was an understatement bug + asthma = very ill Lu. Warmed him up, tightened the girth and he decided to have a strop so stopped and saddle off and regirth then try to warm back up. First test was prelim, got in to the arena (which he has been in a few times) and he went brilliantly, felt amazing and was pulling out the best test he has ever done. This point are about midway through the test at which point Rory caught sight of himself in the mirror, freaked and threatened to rear, spin (this point I just threw the reins at him) got going forward again and past the mirror at which point he decided the pony must be chasing him so tried to bolt.
Our sheet at the end started off as 7/8s and promptly went to 4/5s :-p.
Second test was novice 24 as I vetoed 30 on the grounds of a halt, walk to canter mid test which can fire him up on a good day. Well 24 was messy to say the least as the horrible doppleganger pony was still lurking (he had sniffed both mirrors on walk round but still wasnt happy) so we did the test at warp speed with an impressive half spin/ leg yielded canter in the middle.

I do question why I like this pony at times! I kept going and was nicely informed afterwards I was turning different colours of green and majority bets were on me not riding. Sensible- moi?
Hey ho another day. Think it's back to manor grange next sun.

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