Sunday 15 March 2015

Another proud and gushing post!
Took Rory out jumping again, this time to Moorhouse to do clear round and 65cm.
Went in the clear round and he went very, very green. Flowers, bright fillers, spreads and a new indoor was a lot to ask he went round very sticky and had a couple down but went over everything first time. Took him straight back round and he'd relaxed a bit and did a brill clear round. Had quite a bit of hanging around whilst they got "organised" before we started the 65cm. He went in and did a smashing clear round so we then had to await the jump off. Jump off order was 1, 8a,b, 5, 6, 3 and 10. Came in and he flew number 1 then I changed off route and aimed for 8 at which point he fell apart a bit again (but I'd learnt the course mum and knew what to do) so we went a tad sticky again and just had number 5 down but I was really pleased with him and he ended up with a fifth place.

Also we got our rosette from the Native pony magazine winter points championship and Rory got 10th!

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