Saturday 14 March 2015

Just a nice pony day today. Hacked  Rory out didn't go too far as he's currently getting a tad too fit and losing his marbles. So a slower hack being made to work in a proper outline (did have 1 sneaky gallop though).
Em had a lesson on Pait and did some pole work and tackled a little cross pole bless her.
Then I got Duke in to deal with the rasta look his mane was currently sporting and having got him in I decided to do some work with him and he had his first long rein session. Steering was erm ... a work in progress and a few toys were thrown out of the pram when he tested his boundaries but he gave in in the end and did a few nice laps so finished off with a quick walk inhand up the drive and back.
He's shot up again and looks a tad weedy and bum high so just ground work for now until hes looking more solid again.

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