Sunday 1 March 2015

I hate british weather at times. Em had agreed to take me out to a local venue to do some diddy sj on Rory but of course the wind was horrendous this morning and she quite rightly didnt fancy taking the box out so seeing as I was out of bed and at the yard with Rory in I said I'd go out hacking with E who is part loaning Talya.
Being 2 overgrown kids I decided to show E where the xc jumps are and seeing as we were there we both decided to bung stirrups up and have a play.
Rory knows the second my leg position is higher what is coming and promptly started jig-jogging and looking for the nearest jumpable object.
We both had a laugh and I jumped a few logs, a filler and a small ditch with hanging log. He's been over them all before and as we were showing off to Tal he thankfully decided not to put in the extra 2 foot air space which orbits me.
E and I did find though that neither us has a horse that will just calmly follow over fences. Tal throws her head and charges after us and Rory goes into jumps sideways and land in extended canter pmsl.
Signs are up for our local hunter trail in May so fingers crossed that I can go this year.
no pics so have one from last summer

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