Thursday 5 March 2015

At times I could quite happily throttle Rory. Took him and Pait to dressage yesterday. It was the new wagon's first run out with ponies on board and we had no swearing from the driver and for the first time ever Pait didn't arrive soaked so she prefers it to Daisy-wagon.
Em was first doing 2 prelims on Pait. P7 and P13. Pait went really well just the canter went a bit wrong in p13 but it is a harder test and only her third ever prelim. 63% in p7 and 60% in p13 so really pleased with her.

Rory on the other hand decided to live up to Pait's name. The bits he behaved and let me ride him were brilliant and he scored 8s. Sadly he also had quite a few moments where he just wouldn't let me have an contact or use leg as he'd just ping me out of the saddle- mardy bugger.
Comment of the day was someone asking mum if he was Welsh. Nope he just acts like it. Scores weren't as bad as it felt though. He got 60% in p7 and 64% in p13. Typically he got the higher marks in the harder test! Really need to work on his right canter strike offs as he went wrong in both tests as he just fired me out of the saddle and wouldn't let me use leg when I was asking for the transition. Of course the left rein he got 8s for this manouver.

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